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Weekend baking part 3️⃣. Triple 🍫 chip 🍪. #homegourmet #lazysunday #nomnom #baking
And for dessert mini banana splits
Cheddar buttermilk biscuits for tonight’s beef stew dinner. #homegourmet #baking
Someone enjoying her Nutella, blueberry golden syrup waffle.
Tasty pear dutch baby (https://altonbrown.com/dutch-baby-pancake-recipe/) #homegourmet #breakfast
Amazing insight by Emily tonight “easy peasy lemon cow”
Daddy daughter lunch after swim class
Nathan made an amazing booklet in kindergarten based on all their studying of owls and it’s so great https://instagram.com/p/BgZt9OPhPI1/
Awesome mandatory government phone survey plus 5 months of additional surveys just what I wanted.